§ 9.12.340. Ground meat advisory.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Signs in English and Spanish requiring ground meat to be served fully cooked will be conspicuously posted for consumers to read.


    Signs in English shall read:

    "El Paso's City Ordinance and Texas Law require that ground meat (fish, beef, pork, poultry, etc.) must be consumed fully cooked due to potential health risks associated with consumption of these products when not fully cooked. If you have special health risks consult your physician."


    Signs in Spanish shall read:

    "La ley de la ciudad de El Paso, Texas require que las carnes molidas (pescado, res, puerco, pollo, etc.) sean consumidas bien cocidas debido a riesgos asociados si estos alimentos no estan bien cocidos. Si tuviese alguna duda consulte a su medico."


    Signs shall be made available by the director at the cost of printing and handling identified in the adopted budget resolution for the current fiscal year or other appropriately adopted resolution by the city council.


    An establishment shall not offer ground meat cooked other than well-done for human consumption, unless specifically requested by the consumer. "Well-done" shall be measured as the temperature specified in the Texas Food Safety Rules.

(Ord. 17162, § 1, 8-11-2009)