§ 20.10.055. Adaptive reuse overlay.
Purpose. The purpose of an adaptive reuse overlay (ARO) is to revitalize neighborhoods and increase new housing opportunities within the El Paso Downtown 2015 Plan area by allowing more flexible development standards for certain residential and/or mixed uses within the area.
Applicability. An adaptive reuse overlay (ARO) may be placed on property located in El Paso Downtown 2015 Plan area and can only be used for the conversion of all or any portion of an existing building to any of the following new residential and/or mixed uses:
Dwelling units (single family, duplex, triplex, quadraplex, townhomes, apartments, condominiums).
Single room occupancy (SRO).
Live-work units.
Mixed-use buildings.
Other uses permitted in the underlying zoning district.
Designation. An application for an ARO designation may be initiated either by city council, a property owner or group of property owners.
Application. An application for an ARO designation shall be subject to the notice and public hearing requirements and procedures of Chapter 20.04, and shall also be accompanied with all of the following:
A list of all the properties and property owners in the area described in the application; and
A map of the area.
Development standards.
The ARO standards are optional and provide for greater density and flexible standards. A property owner within the ARO may use the standards identified in this section or may use the underlying zoning district standards for their property. All of the permitted uses in the underlying zoning district are permitted in the ARO. Additionally, within the ARO, a property owner may convert all or any portion of an existing building to any of the uses in Section 20.10.455 B.
The following modified development standards apply for adaptive reuse projects in the El Paso Downtown 2015 Plan area for properties zoned UP, C-5, C-4, C-1, S-D, SRR, and M-1:
Minimum front, rear and side setbacks: Zero feet.
Maximum height: Five stories or as permitted in the underlying zoning district.
Minimum lot area, width, and depth: None.
Minimum square footage for multi-family dwelling units: Four hundred fifty; except that the total units within a development shall have a minimum average square footage of six hundred fifty.
Adaptive reuse projects are exempt from detailed site development plan requirements in Title 20.
Adaptive reuse projects are exempt from landscape requirements in Title 18, except that where there is minimum of ten feet of existing parkway (including sidewalk), street trees shall be provided in accordance with Article IV — Street Trees, of Section 18.46.
Unless specifically modified in Subsection E. above, all other dimensional and density standards and parking standards of the underlying zoning district standards in Title 20 shall apply to any property with an ARO overlay.
All properties within an ARO will carry the suffix "ARO," indicating that such property may be developed under the land use and design standards of the ARO.
(Ord. No. 17754, § 2, 3-20-2012)